Пикабушка "Овечка Клеточка"
Рост 26 см. Материал: шерсть, коттон. Материал набивки: холлофайбер. Умна и любознательна. Подарит Вам свое большое сердце. Do u wanna hug it?
Project Peekaboo / Peekaboo is a story about hand made toys. This blog is dedicated to stuffed toys that carry the warmth, comfort and joy to their owners. Toys that are created by hands, designed for children to become their favorite friends, for adults, for the interior. All creatures have hearts. They are nice to hug and squeeze. They are nice to give and receive as a gift. They develop and touch. They amuse and cheer up. Smile and create with us!
wowwwwwwwww, super!!!!!!!!!!!
ОтветитьУдалитьi wanna this one, where can i find it?
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